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  3. Product Alert for Bagisto
  4. Installation Process of the Extension
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Installation Process of the Extension

1. Download the zip folder.

2. Unzip the folder and go to your bagisto application path ‘packages’ and create a folder named ‘SunArc/’ upload `productAlert` folder inside this path.

3. Now open ‘config/app.php’ and register the ProductALert provider.

‘providers’ => [

        // Product Alert provider



4. Now open composer.json and go to autoload psr-4.

“autoload”: {

        “psr-4”: {

  “SunArc\\ProductAlert\\”: “packages/SunArc/ProductAlert/src”    



5. Now open  `App\Console\Kernel.php` 

-> now use below trait in kernel.php

 use SunArc\ProductAlert\Traits\ProductAlertCronRun;

-> Now in schedule method call sendProductAlertMail function

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


        //Calling the function for sending mail when cron run 



6. Now open the command prompt and run composer dump-autoload

7. Now run php artisan migrate

8. Now run php artisan config:cache

9. Now run php artisan optimize

10. Now run php artisan vendor:publish –force 

 Then enter number which is come before “SunArc\ProductAlert\Providers\ProductAlertServiceProvider”  

In our case it is 24.

11. Now go to your Bagisto admin section ‘admin/configuration/productalert/general`  you will see the new Configuration setting. Please make it enabled.

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